Square Full of Happiness
The first double-storey underground junction of Turkey; Getting the underground transport intensity load. On the top side, 22 thousand square meters square is used as a social areas, the city served the subterranean traffic captures the rhythm of their own circumstances. Esenyurt, Istanbul's fastest growing, and most often in the series shows the projected density. The annual population growth of about 11%. Town, running quickly towards a million. Work does not just work on the analysis of traffic ordeal. Landscape and social facilities IMM, which will be tendered in recent history within people's minds perception standing traffic junctions study thought the change with great surprise and challenge the project aims to transform into a fairground ambience. Work with the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the host Esenyurt Municipality. Ready for additional design studies Signs-Cloud stop. Signs stop in the City Center is the host government. Police, District, City, Mall of the other institutions in the same complex, the center is planned to be assembled on-site in the workplace. Currently, a portion of the Flat University is being used by. From TEM car driver who can participate uninterrupted flow of EUR 5. Born Araslı Boulevard continues, the bus stops are active. Updating communication channels and applications to improve compliance. Under occur, stop locations are .İBB, previously thought to use the remaining space there as a part of the underground car park. Metro-link axle in the later stages of the project likely to cross the map comes along, said the unit was left blank. Ready planning of metro transport. East-west direction of the active underground transport lines, to be integrated in a north-south axis and the transport network is expected to find a solution with this system. Underground subway station stop place, switch modules available. It will be integrated into the metro. Flat Square project will undoubtedly be to improve the city's brand values. Flat face of all the people in the town square to laugh along with the project's completion. Fish way May 19 between the 250-meter tunnel connecting Hospital in transit. Bahcesehir way to stop flowing streaming. Highways overall structure of the study is shaped in accordance with the standards and criteria that are moving in the frame. 15 meters below the ground underpass. Tunnels around 28-30 meters. Location map large number of hospitals available. Therefore, a line of ambulances used effectively. The number of vehicles and congestion is increasing significantly from day to day, is now being installed in the lights of ambulances to transport patients to do. Former overpass errors were corrected. Of high sided vehicles adapted to input and output. The individual side elements get passed. Flat Istanbul this quality deserved and long ... Source : Parola Newspaper, September 2015 , Page 10